Adam Lounes Art
Adam Lounes Art Adam Lounes Art

In a distant galaxy, light years from our very Earth, a water-filled planet dubbed Quiritis 19 dwells in its solar system. But this planet is one of barely many of planets to hold one thing: life. This passion project of mine discusses the planet and its captivating species that call Quiritis their home.

Quiritis 19 is a distant planetary body, ever so smaller than our Earth. It lies within the habitable zone of its solar system, and with an axial tilt nearing zero. The unusual part about Quiritis 19 (besides its life) is the fact that it lacks any semblances of landmass, leaving fauna and flora to dwell under the waves.

The life on Quiritis 19 is astonishing in its own way, with anything ranging from sky-scraping (or rather sea-scraping) fish molded into barnacle trees, to photosynthetic clam-whales bashing their tusks together, to split-eyed spider-seals with an arsenal of snapping radulas. With everything taken into accout, it’s easy to say that whatever you encounter in Quiritis’ waters is bound to captivate you.

Taxonomy and Anatomical Tables

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